Happy graduation

14.000 BHD
A bouquet of red roses with a graduation balloon

Rose Wrapping Bouquet

23.000 BHD
A bouquet of natural flowers wrapped in a rose shape

Chocolate Pyramid

18.000 BHD
28 pieces of luxury Belgian chocolate with Eid expressions and arranged in the shape of a pyramid decorated with dried roses.

Eid Vase 5

12.000 BHD
A glass vase decorated with gerbera roses with 12 pieces of Belgian chocolate decorated with Eid sayings. You can write the name

Eid Chocolate 6

33.000 BHD
Luxury Belgian chocolate arranged in a distinctive base and decorated with natural roses

Mom’s Chocolate

32.000 BHD
An acrylic tray containing luxury Belgian chocolate, decorated with natural roses and the phrase “Mom.”

To My Special Mom

37.000 BHD
A modern arrangement of lilies, hypericum, tensitium and rose

I Love You Mom

27.000 BHD
Heart-shaped hand bouquet with the phrase “I love you, mom.”

Best Mom

25.000 BHD
A heart-shaped gypsophila hand bouquet containing a heart-shaped box in the middle that can be used to place money and small gifts.

Nice day

13.000 BHD
Bouquet of natural roses with packaging decorated with the phrase " Nice Day love you more".